Career Tips and Tricks

Managing Social Media for Job Searches

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Hi everyone~
In this digital era, social media has become our needs. Almost everyone have one or more media social account. Nonetheless, we still have to be smart in using social media so that it will be more beneficial.
How to maintain our social media account in order to make it more beneficial and give positive personal image?
Let's check these tips!

1. Search yourself by perform a simple search on Google and other sites.

2. Pay attention to what others are posting on their social media profiles and what posts they're tagged in you, in order to fully protect your online image.

3. Keep the Image Consistent. Example: make your presence and usernames consistent across multiple social media networks.

4. Make sure that your online image is positive, any moaning and gossiping should be left online.

5. Work on building strong social networks and creating online profiles that do a really good job of representing your skills and experience in the workplace.

Hopefully the tips and tricks given above could help you in maintaining social media account.
Talking about social media, Undip Career Center also has some social media accounts you can follow to get information about UCC. Do not forget to join as UCC Member, update your CV, and enjoy the services provided in

Other Career Tips and Tricks:
Salam Sukses Karier

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