Career Tips and Tricks

Career Advice for Millennials

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Hello everyone~
We as the generation Y or millennial generation indeed different from the previous generations. We are very familiar with the usage of technology and internet and of course this made us unique.
Then how we face the future career as the millennials? What things should be prepared?
Check some tips given below (:

1. You must start somewhere.
2. Don’t settle for a job you’re not passionate about.
3. Spend more time with people than with your laptop.
4. Take risks early and often in your career.

5. Make an impact in the new company as soon as you can, take responsibility and ask to lead a project.
6. Sacrifice today to position yourself for tomorrow.
7. Get to know your colleagues.
8. Admitting that you need help or that you have done something wrong in order to complete a task better and faster rather than to struggle through and ultimately come up short in the end.

Hopefully the Tips and Tricks could help you to face the future career as the millennials. If some of you are seeking for a job right now, Undip Career Center provided some job vacancies which you can apply. Don't forget to join as the UCC Member, update your CV, and enjoy all the services in

Another Career Tips and Tricks:
Salam Sukses Karier!

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