IKK Inc. is one of Japan’s leading company in the field of Wedding Service that has been listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange since 2012. Established in 1945, IKK is now Japan’s No. 1 Wedding Service Company in term of profitability ratio. IKK has built 18 strong branches all around Japan and has expand into another business sectors. With more than 600 employees, this company is awarded as No. 6th Great Place to Work in Japan for the category of 100-999 employees.
In 2017, IKK has entered the Wedding Market in Indonesia by the name of PT IKK Indonesia. Together with the local companies, we create a company that will be loved by Indonesian people and become a strong established company. Our goal is to be No. 1 Wedding Company in Indonesia and get listed in the Indonesia Stock Market.
In only 2 years of running in Indonesian market, we have planned and executed hundreds of Wedding and got more than 100 good reviews from our clients. We are committed to bring high quality of Japanese work ethicswhilegiving the best hospitality to Indonesian people.
In the near future, we will keep developing our competence and expand our business to other Southeast Asian Countries.