Website Administrator

PT. Country Form Furniture

Jl Tugu Industri 1 no 10 Kawasan Industri Wijaya Kusuma, jalan raya semarang kendal KM 12.5 Semarang.
 Detil Lowongan
Website Administrator Closed
Update: 31 Oktober 2016
Dilihat: 2055 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Perancang Busana/Multimedia/Web - Fashion/Multimedia/Web Designer
14 November 2016
Bidang Industri:
Pendidikan Min.:
Minimal Diploma
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Syarat Umum:

Job Description:

1. Input data items at website
2. Create a brochure / catalog product companies
3. Products photos and edit them to suit the style in website
4. Working in the company's website teams

Job Qualification:
1. Expert and master Photoshop (quite expert)
2. Simply mastering CorelDraw (medium)
3. Creation of a website / programer (basic knowledge)
4. Skill Photography (regular / medium)

Syarat Khusus:

1. Female/Male maximum 30 years
2. Ability to work based on target
3. Able to work and communication with the team
4. Graphic Design graduates are preferred

Informasi lain:

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