Technical Writer

PT Lawencon Internasional

Pakuwon Tower 22nd floor
Jl Casablanca Kav 88, Jakarta Selatan
DKI Jakarta12870
 Detil Lowongan
Technical Writer Closed
Update: 10 Februari 2022
Dilihat: 550 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Penulis / Writer
28 Februari 2022
Bidang Industri:
Teknologi Informasi
Pendidikan Min.:
Minimal S1
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Syarat Umum:
  1. Create and maintain the information architecture
  2. 1-3 years experiences in Technical Writer
  3. Having experiences in using JIRA and Confluence
  4. Having analytical skills and knowledge of business processes
  5. Proven working experience in technical writing of software documentation
  6. Ability to deliver high quality documentation, paying attention to detail
  7. Ability to quickly grasp complex technical concepts and make them easily understandable in text and pictures
  8. Excellent written skills in English
  9. Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office
  10. Basic familiarity with the SDLC and software development
  11. University degree in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent preferred
Syarat Khusus: -
Informasi lain:


Job Description:

  1. Work with internal teams to obtain an in-depth understanding of the product and the documentation requirements
  2. Produce high-quality documentation that meets applicable standards and is appropriate for its intended audience
  3. Write easy-to-understand user interface text, online help and developer guides
  4. Create tutorials to help end-users use a variety of applications
  5. Analyze existing and potential content, focusing on reuse and one sourcing opportunities
  6. Create and maintain the information architecture


How to apply :

  1. Login akun UCC kamu
  2. Pilih Vacancy yang sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan kamu
  3. klik tombol "Apply"
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