Content Writer

PT Lawencon Internasional

Pakuwon Tower 22nd floor
Jl Casablanca Kav 88, Jakarta Selatan
DKI Jakarta12870
 Detil Lowongan
Content Writer Closed
Update: 10 Februari 2022
Dilihat: 583 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Penulis Naskah Iklan / Copywriter
28 Februari 2022
Bidang Industri:
Teknologi Informasi
Pendidikan Min.:
Sarjana / S1
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Syarat Umum:
  1. Bachelor’s degree in English, Journalism, or related field
  2. Knowledge of digital marketing tactics, including SEO, email marketing and web analytics
  3. Experience using WordPress, Weebly, and/ or Joomla! preferred
Syarat Khusus:
  1. Excellent writing skills, as well as the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively
  2. The ability to consistently meet tight deadlines
Informasi lain:

Job Description:

  1. Create content marketing campaigns to drive leads and subscribers Use SEO best practices to generate traffic to our site
  2. Regularly produce various content types, including email, social media posts, blogs, and white papers
  3. Actively manage and promote our blog, and pitch articles to relevant third-party platforms
  4. Edit content produced by other members of the team
  5. Analyze content marketing metrics and makes changes as needed
  6. Collaborate with other departments to create innovative content ideas

How to Apply:

  1. Login Akun UCC kamu 
  2. Pilih Vacancy yang sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan kamu 
  3. Klik tombol "Apply"

Process Estimation:

2 Weeks

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