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PT Maju Bersama Gemilang

Kawasan Industri Kendal, Jalan Tanjung Anom no 93, Desa Wonorejo, Kecamatan, Kaliwungu, Kabupaten Kendal
 Detil Lowongan
Update: 23 September 2021
Dilihat: 772 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Produksi / Production
30 Oktober 2021
Bidang Industri:
Lembaran Kaca, Manufaktur
Pendidikan Min.:
Minimal S1
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Jawa Tengah
Syarat Umum:

Female, 22 to 35 years old

• Bachelor degree or above, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, industrial engineer, Economic management,

• Work experience: Have worked in warehouse or plan for more than two years, familiar with company warehouse and planning operation process

• Physical Healthy not colour blind

• Familiar with ERP system forecasting, planning & inventory.

• Good at English and Indonesia language, can speak Chinese will be point plus

• Willing to work in Kendal (Kawasan Industri Kendal area)

Syarat Khusus: -
Informasi lain:

Responsible for the management, supervision, coordination, training and evaluation of all aspects of the whole process of the work of the Planning department, responsible for the work undertaken?

• Strengthen the communication and coordination of production planning and material supply to ensure the completion of production plan?

• Responsible for all day-to-day management of the warehouse, management of the packaging of finished products, shipping. Ensure that all materials in the warehouse are first-in, first-out.

• Improve the level of on-site management (5S) and effectively improve the implementation of departmental staff echelon construction and management literacy improvement?

• Promote and implement monthly warehouse and cost analysis meetings related to the work to be carried out by the Program management Department?

• Responsible for the safety of all materials in the warehouse. Fulfill all kinds of other matters assigned by superior leader?

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