Key tasks and responsibilities
- Provision of support in preparing and developing training and competency matrix for all positions within the company organization to suit, as per Departmental training need analysis, including if any internal and mandatory training.
- Provide support in organizing the individual training interventions of each employee, , including the maintaining of records and assessment and feedback of the effectiveness of the training and results acquired.
- Provide support in communicating with the authorized institutional bodies to determine if any statutory training and or certification requirements are to be undertaken taken by the employees within Power Generation business.
- Taking care of, and ensuring that the Power Plant simulator training facility is readily available for utilization, and adequately applied, with new operating situations being installed as and when there are plant operating occurrences.
- Providing support to BJP CSR Department in developing or obtaining suitable training and or education programs for use in the community.
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How to apply?
Online apply by our website
Salam Sukses Karier~