Front End Engineer

PT Sale Stock Indonesia (Sorabel)

BSD Green Office Park 6 Wing B Ground Floor, Zone 3-5 Jalan BSD Grand Boulevard, BSD City, Sampora, Cisauk, Tangerang, Banten 15345
 Detil Lowongan
Front End Engineer Closed
Update: 30 April 2019
Dilihat: 1472 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Insinyur / Engineer
30 Mei 2019
Bidang Industri:
Pakaian / Mode
Pendidikan Min.:
Sarjana / S1
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Seluruh Indonesia
Syarat Umum:
  1. Background in server-side software development in Linux environment (It's a plus if can do front-end as well)
  2. Degree in Computer Science/Engineering/Mathematics is a good start, but not a must.
  3. To have ability in Programming Language and Relevant Experience on below :
  • Programming language: Javascript (React JS, React Native, etc.) / Phyton
  • Relevant experience: Google Cloud Platform Data Infrastructure (Big Query, Dataproc, Dataflow), Hadoop (HDFS, MR, Yarn),Hadoop File Formats & Compression (Parquet, ORCFile, Snappy, gzip),SQL on Hadoop (Hive, SparkSQL, Impala), NoSQL (BigTable, HBase, Cassandra),RDBMS (MySQL),Distributed processing engine (Spark, Flink), Data Ingestion & Message Processing (RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, ZeroMQ, Kafka, Flume) and Stream processing (Spark Streaming, Storm)
Syarat Khusus: -
Informasi lain:

Things you will be doing :

To design, develop, and maintain our data infrastructure, Optimization/modification of data flow/pipeline to handle 3Vs of big data (Volume, Velocity, Variety), develop custom ETL jobs to cater custom requirements, coordinate with other departments (Commercial, Marketing, etc) to fulfil/adapt their data requirements/requests, make sure the end user of the data (Analysts, Data Scientists, etc) can query the data seamlessly for their use and explore/learn new technologies that can complement or replace our current stack to improve it.



How to apply?

Online apply by our website.


Salam Sukses Karir~

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