Lecturers for the Law and Legal Studies

 Detil Lowongan
Lecturers for the Law and Legal Studies Closed
Update: 25 April 2019
Dilihat: 1672 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Pengajar / Teacher
9 Mei 2019
Bidang Industri:
Pelayanan Pendidikan
Pendidikan Min.:
Doktor / S3
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Luar Negeri
Syarat Umum:
  1. High level of English proficiency, oral, and written.
  2. Hold a doctoral degree from countries that use English as a main language in the areas.
  3. Major : Law.
Syarat Khusus: -
Informasi lain:

More information:

  1. Salary rate is commensurate with level of education and experience. Some top-up money fopr specific job requirement may be considered. Doctoral Degree without relevant experience: start 40,000 THB.
  2. Medical and other benefits including provident fund, housing provided.


How to apply?

Online apply by our website.



Applicants MUST attach a WUIC from through our website. Here is the steps:

  1. Log in with your account (must be a UCC member first)
  2. After successfully login, click on your profile located in the top right corner of the website
  3. Select My CV
  4. Click Portfolio
  5. Click Add Portofolio
  6. Upload The Form with the following reqiurements:
  • Title: WUIC Application Form
  • Category: WUIC Application Form
  • Jobs URL: (blank)
  • Start date and finish date: (fill it according to the date you uploaded)


NB: Download the WUIC Application Form via http://bit.ly/WUICFormApp

Salam Sukses Karir~

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