Jababeka Management Trainee 2019 Closed
Kategori Posisi:
Management Trainee
Pendidikan Min.:
Minimal S1
Seluruh Indonesia
Syarat Umum:
- S1 / S2 Majority IT, Architecture, Civil, Finance, Bussiness, etc
- IPK > 3.0
- 22-26 y.o
- Fast Learner
- Enegetic
- Good Communication
- Positve
Syarat Khusus:
Create your creative video profile and explain us about:
- Jababeka according to your knowledge
- Your potential as Jababeka MT
- Good tps for millenials at work
Upload before May 20 2019 to social media with hastag:
#talentjababeka #creatingnewleaders #jababekaMT2019
Informasi lain:
What we offer:
- Post Garduate knowledge
- Unique Learning Experience
- Fast Track Talent Career
- Get your own apartement
Enjoy traveling experience to Jababeka business unit around Indonesia.
How to apply?
Online apply by our website and don't forget to upload your creative video profile to your social media.
Salam Sukses Karir~