Account Manager

PT. Infomedia Solusi Humanika

Jl. MT. Haryono No. 922-924 Semarang
Jawa Tengah
 Detil Lowongan
Account Manager Closed
Update: 4 Oktober 2018
Dilihat: 1769 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Admin / Administration
9 Oktober 2018
Bidang Industri:
Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)
Pendidikan Min.:
Minimal Diploma
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Jawa Tengah
Syarat Umum:

1. Male/Female

2. Diploma/Bachelor's Degree in any field.

3. Single/Married, not more than 30 years old and attractive appearance

4. Having an experience in Marketing / Corporate Sales

5. Able to work underpressure, Energetic, dynamic, creative, Interest in challenge

Syarat Khusus:

1. Having a car drive licensed (SIM A)

2. Job placement region : Yogyakarta, Magelang, Solo, Semarang, Kudus, Purwokerto)

Informasi lain:

Email your resume and please state position code in the email subject : AM_(Job placement region)_UCC

send it to :


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