Business Consultant (BC)

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PT. Traktor Nusantara

Jl. Pulogadung No. 32, JIEP, Jakarta Timur
 Detil Lowongan
Business Consultant (BC) Closed
Update: 13 April 2018
Dilihat: 3048 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Konsultan / Consultant
27 April 2018
Bidang Industri:
Perdagangan Dan Distribusi
Pendidikan Min.:
Sarjana / S1
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Seluruh Indonesia
Syarat Umum:

1. Bachelor degree (S1) from any majors

2. Preferred Engineering and Management 

3. Minimum GPA 2.75

4. Maximum age of 27 years old

5. Good analytical thinking, confident, self-motivated, target-driven

6. Flexible to working across Indonesia

Syarat Khusus: -
Informasi lain:


Identify potential clients. Network develop and firmly establish the various channels necessary to reach the target market segments of commodity products. Provide superior personal and professional service for our clients.


Apply Now:

External Apply
Lowongan ini tidak menyediakan apply online melalui website UCC. Untuk melamar silakan merujuk ke link yang tersedia.
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