Production Process Leader

PT. TACO Anugrah Corpindo

Maspion Plaza Lt. 8
Jl. Gunung Sahari Kav 18
Jakarta Pusat
 Detil Lowongan
Production Process Leader Closed
Update: 25 Januari 2017
Dilihat: 2250 kali
Kategori Posisi:
Produksi / Production
23 Februari 2017
Bidang Industri:
Pendidikan Min.:
Sarjana / S1
Jenis Lowongan:
Full Time
Syarat Umum:
  • Preferably staff (non management & non supervisors) specializing in :
    • Production planning
    • Demostrated leadership skill
    • Strong facilitation, influencing, and team-building skills
    • Able to work under tight deadline, discipline, focus and able to work with minimum supervision and also a good team player
Syarat Khusus:
  • Minimum Educated to Diploma(D3)/ Bachelor’s Degree(S1) in Industrial engineering
  • Required skills : Ms. Excel, manufacturing resource planning (mrp), analytical, planning and inventory control, material and production planning & NAV
  • At least 2 years experience in the related fields required for this position
Informasi lain:

Silakan Apply Online melalui website Undip Career Center.

atau kirimkan melalui email :

Lengkapi CV Anda sebaik mungkin, karena mempengaruhi proses seleksi~

Hati-Hati penipuan yang mengatasnamakan PT. Taco Anugrah Corpindo. Tidak dipungut apapun selama proses seleksi berlangsung.


Salam sukses karir!

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